Posted by: Amanda | November 18, 2008

Cold Feet, Empty Wallet

This is what $1500 will buy you these days.  Ouch, literally and figuratively.


I’m starting to get a little nervous now that the needles are here and all.  I don’t have to worry about it for a few days though so I’m staying distracted by watching stuff we DVRed and scrapbooking.  Pray for us if you think of it.


  1. what pharmacy did you order your meds from?

  2. Village Pharm

  3. thanks, i’ll to look into that one. i got the bad news today that i will have to move on to injectables.

  4. Hi. I have a friend who just had two of her cycles canceled and she has some follistim 900 (some meaning 10 + boxes) that she needs to get rid of. She is very much about the cause and helping others but she is also starting a new cycle and needs the money to help in paying for it. The follistim has been kept in the fridge and all of the boxes do not expire for at least a year, all of the boxes are unopened as well.
    She is looking to get rid of the boxes for $500 each OBO.
    So if you are interested or know some one who might be please contact me. She is willing to pack them up in ice and ship them.
    Best of luck to every one.
    She has had one miracle so far (she is now three) and is hoping for another!!!
    So any questions feel free to email me.

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